Thursday, December 22, 2016

Gum Health Tips for Kids from a Trusted Family Dentistry Practitioner

While your teeth’s condition is a major component of good oral health, it’s not the only thing you should pay attention to. As a family dental clinic will tell you, the condition of your gums are equally important. If you don’t care for them, you may end up with gingivitis, a condition where the gum tissue swells and usually bleeds.
 As the American Academy of Periodontology notes, however, chronic gingivitis is a rather common disease among children. And if this disease isn’t treated, it may lead to bigger problems such as receded gums, bad breath, and even tooth loss.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Getting Veneers from a Local Dentist? Here’s What You Should Know

If you’re like most people, you probably aren’t totally happy with your smile. Perhaps your teeth’s alignment isn’t perfect, or perhaps they are discolored. In such cases, flashing a smile may be a cause of embarrassment instead of enjoyment.
 Of course, you can get braces to correct crooked teeth, but you’ll have to wear them for a few years to get the alignment just right. And sometimes, teeth are so discolored that even professional whitening will do only so much to lighten their shade. What’s one to do?

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dispel These Tooth Whitening Myths Before Visiting a Local Dentist

After years of drinking coffee or smoking, your teeth may have begun to discolor. While not necessarily an oral health concern, discolored teeth can make you conscious about your smile and prevent you from showing off your teeth.
 Luckily, a trusted dentist can provide tooth whitening services so that you can restore the pearly-white look of your teeth. You can select from in-office treatment or custom whitening trays that you can use at home, so you can choose the most convenient option for you.

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Monday, December 19, 2016

If You’re Not Sure Which Toothpaste to Purchase, Ask a Trusted Dentist

As a dentist in Greenville, SC will tell you, brushing your teeth is crucial to maintaining good oral health. By making it a habit, you can remove decay-causing bacteria from your teeth, along with the bits of food that attract them.
 That being said, the toothpaste you use plays a crucial role in how effective each tooth brushing session is. It is, after all, the medium that cleans your teeth and keeps your breath fresh, so be sure to take the time to select the best toothpaste for you.

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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Dental Hygiene for Children at a Greenville Family Dentistry Practice

Establishing a thorough dental hygiene routine is important, even from a young age. Babies should have their first dental check up with a pediatric dentist at a Greenville family dentistry practice within six months of getting their first tooth, or no later than their first birthday, to ensure that tooth and gum health is developing normally. Additionally, parents of young children should start integrating independent tooth brushing into their child’s nightly routine starting at around age two, using toothpaste that is safe if accidentally swallowed. Encouraging kids to eat healthy food, limit their sugar intake, and maintain regular brushing and flossing patterns will set them up for optimal dental health in the future. Read more on this article:

Friday, December 16, 2016

Procedures a Reliable Dentist Recommends to Improve Your Oral Health

Cracked, chipped, or even missing teeth may seem like a hopeless case, but not in the hands of a dentist. With their help, you can bring back the former beauty of your smile and further improve on your oral health.
 Root canal procedures, fillings, bridges, and bonding treatments are among the most common procedures a dentist may recommend to restore your teeth. These may seem scary at first, but knowing more about these procedures can help you manage your expectations and prepare you for a trip to the dentist.

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